Pioneer Canal and Laramie River by Tony Bergantino
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The Wyoming Water Development Commission
2015 Wyoming Irrigation Systems Report

The Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC) maintains a database of irrigation districts and companies in the State of Wyoming. A survey is conducted approximately every two years and the results are used to update the database. This survey provides important information for the agency's funding criteria. It aids in prioritizing the funds available for feasibility studies and project construction. In addition, this information allows irrigation districts and companies to compare operational issues, financial data, and general information with others around the state.

From the responses received, the WWDC divides the information into six sub-reports including a mailing list, conveyances, usage and storage, systems operations, and general information. This report also contains a list of entities that are in the database but have never responded to the survey. This survey can be accessed online or a copy can be requested from the WWDC.

A total of 176 Irrigation Districts and Canal Companies are listed in the WWDC database. Entity contact information was updated with assistance from active survey entities, Conservation Districts, Conservancy Districts, the Water User Organization Roster (4/22/2014), and the State of Wyoming Business Division Database (, 10/21/2014). After eliminating duplicate listings (due to name change or entity split), entities no longer in business, those requesting removal from the survey mailing, and those entities without contact information, the 2015 Irrigation Survey was distributed to 152 entities with a total of 75 (49%) entities responding. Of those 75 entities, an additional three (3) entities were either a duplication, out of business or wished to be removed from the mailing and were therefore excluded from the summary statistics. In comparison, the 2012 survey distributed 127 surveys and had a return of 65 (51%); the 2010 survey distributed 134 surveys and received 67 (50%) responses; the 2008 survey had 60 (32%) responses out of 189 surveys distributed.

The current survey was distributed by a variety of methods: ninety-five (95) entities were sent a hardcopy in the mail; forty-four (44) were sent emails to take the survey online, seven (7) requested the survey be sent by a combination of regular mail/online/email methods, four (4) surveys were completed by telephone, and two (2) were sent by email. In addition to the four (4) surveys completed by telephone, three (3) entities per telephone conversation required exclusion from summary statistics due to reasons previously mentioned, twenty-eight (28) surveys were returned by regular mail, thirty-seven (37) surveys were conducted online; and (3) three surveys were a combination of regular mail and the online survey. Combined with input from the 2008, 2010 and 2012 surveys, 108 out of 132 viable entities (82%) have responded to the survey within the past seven (7) years.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for future surveys, please contact Jon Wade of the Wyoming Water Development Commission, 6920 Yellowtail Rd, Cheyenne WY 82002 or call 307-777-7626.

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Report #1: Mailing Information:

This report contains the status, contact person, mailing address, division, and phone number for each entity. Entities that didn't respond to the survey may have incorrect contact information.

Report #2: Diversion/Conveyance:

This data refers to the entity's water supply, diversions, conveyances, and return flows. The individual fields are defined as follows:

Surface Source: The surface source of an entity's water supply.
Type of Diversion: How the surface source is diverted.
Capacity of Diversion: Capacity in cubic feet per second (cfs) for the diversion.
Type of Conveyance: Primary conveyance system used by the entity.
Capacity of Conveyance: Capacity of the conveyance system in cubic feet per second (cfs).
Length (miles): Length in miles of the primary conveyance system.
Conveyance Losses (%): Estimated percentage loss of the system.

Report #3: Usage and Storage:

This report contains information pertaining to water usage, storage, and the size in acres of the irrigation company or district. The individual fields are defined as follows:

# of Acres: Number of acres in the irrigation district or canal company.
# Acres Irrigated: Number of acres irrigated in the district or company.
# of Users: Number of individual irrigators in the irrigation district or canal company.
Others: Indicates if users outside of the district/company are served by the entity.
Who/Amount: Users served outside the entity.
Storage: Amount of storage owned by the entity.
Storage Reservoir: Name of storage facility.

Report #4: Operations:

This report consists of the entity's budget and other data relating to the system's operation. The individual fields are defined as follows:

Assessment Unit: How the water users are assessed for the entity's services.
Budget: Approximate value of the entity's budget in dollars.
Amount: Indicates the amount of alternative income.
Other Income: Indicates if the entity has another source of income.
Full Time Employees: Indicates the number of full time employees.
Seasonal Employees: Indicates the number of full time employees.
Debt Payment: Amount the entity owes in existing debt.
Date Debt Retirement: Date the debt will be retired if applicable.
Board of Directors: Indicates if a board of directors governs the entity.

Report #5: General Information:

This report contains information pertaining to the entity's participation in conservation and any problems the entity has encountered. The individual fields are defined as follows:

Conservation Measures: Yes, no or not applicable, if the entity has water conservation measures in place
Habitat Benefits: Yes, no or not applicable if the entity provides habitat or other beneficial factors to the wildlife in the immediate area.
Operational Issues: Problems encountered by the entity.

Report #6: Entities that have not responded or wish to be removed from database:

This report contains the status, contact person, mailing address, and division for those entities who have never responded to this survey or have requested to be removed from the database.

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