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Wyoming Water Development Commission 
Harry C. LaBonde, Jr., PE, Director 
6920 Yellowtail Rd, Cheyenne, WY 82002 
Phone: 307-777-7626 

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Project Reports

    3. PROJECT:Basin Area Water Supply (formerly Manderson Water Supply)
SPONSOR:South Big Horn County Water Supply Joint Powers Board
LOCATION:Big Horn County
PROGRAM:New Development
Purpose Chapter Session Account Appropriation Due Date
Level III-1 206 1995 I $670,000* 1999
Level III-1 59 1996 I $6,030,000* 1999
*67% grant

The Town of Manderson is located in the northern Bighorn Basin. They currently have two relatively shallow wells, however, they are experiencing water quality and quantity problems. They wish to locate a deeper, better quality groundwater source and convey that water to their existing distribution system. There are 52 taps in this area.

The Town of Basin is committed to this project because they are experiencing problems with their current water supply system, and because they anticipate their current system will require a considerable capital investment in the near future. There are 600 taps in this area.

The rural area around Manderson and Basin has formed a district, the South Bighorn County Water District, to provide service to approximately 170 users.

A groundwater exploration program was conducted by WWDC in 1985 that indicated a good potential exists for obtaining groundwater from the Paleozoic formations approximately 8 miles east of Manderson. In 1993, an exploratory well was constructed that produced water of excellent quality, but lacked sufficient yield to supply the projected 750 taps in the regional water system. In 1994 the well was hydraulically fractured in an attempt to stimulate water production. The well now flows approximately 350 gpm of good quality water. A second well has been drilled into the Madison formation that produces approximately 250 gpm. The water supply from the two wells will meet demand for many years.

In 1994, the project continued through conceptual designs and cost estimates. The sponsor has 820 taps committed to the project. A joint powers board, South Big Horn County Water Supply Joint Powers Board, has been formed to serve as the sponsor for the project. The project is currently being designed. The engineer will conduct three separate bid lettings for the project. The first contract has been let and the second production well has been drilled. The second construction contract provides the major transmission pipeline between the wells and the Town of Basin. The second phase is under construction. The Design for the third phase construction is currently under review and will go to construction in 1998. Reevaluating the project costs using the most recent costs, indicates there will be a need for additional funding for the third phase. The shortfall is between $250,000 and $400,000. Currently the WWDC, the USDA Rural Utility Services, the State Loan and Investment Board, and the sponsor are funding the project. The WWDC has been funding 67 percent of the project with the other entities funding 33 percent of the project. The WWDC has been requested to provide additional funding of $200,000.00 and cumulatively the WWDC will not exceed 67 percent of the project cost. The Rural Utility Services will provide the remaining funding and the Phase III components will be adjusted to match the total funding package.

The WWDC recommends that the project budget be increased by $200,000 grant and the total project funding remain at 67%. The remaining project costs will be provided by the other funding sources. It is further recommended that the project due date be extended to 2002.

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