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Wyoming Water Development Commission 
Harry C. LaBonde, Jr., PE, Director 
6920 Yellowtail Rd, Cheyenne, WY 82002 
Phone: 307-777-7626 

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Project Reports

 30. PROJECT:Encampment Water Supply
SPONSOR:Town of Encampment
LOCATION:Carbon County
PROGRAM:New Development
Purpose Chapter Session Account Appropriation Due Date
Level II 46 1997 I $45,000 1998

The Town of Encampment is located in southern Carbon County and takes its water supply from the North Fork of the Encampment River. Deliveries to end users are limited by both the reliability of supply and the capacity of the treatment plant. Daily use per capita is 377 gallons. This figure is relatively high, but since the system is unmetered, there is no way to correlate actual usage with treatment plant output. Some portion of the base daily demand may be a result of system losses.

The system has 293 taps and serves a population of 400. The system is unmetered and users pay a flat monthly rate of $19. Encampment wants a master plan study to assist in location of alterative sources and evaluation of general system condition, management and operation. The town is particularly concerned that the North Fork is not a reliable source in time of drought. A previous WWDC project funded reconstruction of the intake structure and delivery system to the treatment plant to improve the function of the diversion in periods of low flow, but the North Fork has been known to dry up completely in the reach at the diversion. WWDC has funded extensive groundwater exploration in the area. Previous Encampment studies, and the construction by WWDC of a new water supply system for the neighboring Town of Riverside, indicate that the only viable alternative source is likely to be groundwater development in the Brown's Park formation east of Riverside.

WWDC funded several test and production wells to develop the supply source for Riverside. Previous studies have also recommended meters as one way to control use and provide information for system management, but Encampment has chosen not to install meters. If the study is funded, priority consideration should be given to a linking of the Encampment and Riverside water systems. The communities have resisted such cooperation in the past, with the result that the area has two completely separate sewage treatment systems for a total population of under 1000 people.

A Level II report was completed in 1997 by PMPC. The study recommended the following improvements to the Encampment water system:

Priority 1: Install residential and commercial water meters
Priority 2: Convert water treatment plant to Direct Filtration (1,200 gpm)
Priority 3: Connect to the Sierra Madre Water and Sewer Joint Powers Board
      (SMJPB) water system
Priority 4: Sand Blast and Repaint Storage Tank Interior
Priority 5: Loop Dead End Lines and Replace Undersized Lines
Priority 6: Extend Raw Water Irrigation System to the Cemetery

The town has requested funding (grant only) for items 3 and 6. The total cost of these components is estimated to be $228,000.00. These components are proposed to be financed with a grant from the New Development account with a 60% grant. The remaining 40% of the project financing will be matched with proceeds from a capital facilities tax that was passed on November 4, 1997 and RUS grants and loans.

In addition to the two components that will be partially funded by the WWDC, there are proposed water treatment plant upgrades (Priority 2), meter installation (Priority 1), tank rehabilitation (Priority 4), and distribution line improvements (Priority 5) that total more than $1.6 million. The City of Encampment will finance these improvements through proceeds from the Carbon County capital facilities tax, RUS, and the Wyoming State Loan and Investment Board.

The WWDC recommends that the project be advanced to Level III in the New Development Program with an appropriation of $137,000.00 (grant only).

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