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Wyoming Water Development Commission 
Harry C. LaBonde, Jr., PE, Director 
6920 Yellowtail Rd, Cheyenne, WY 82002 
Phone: 307-777-7626 

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Active Projects

 74. PROJECT:Little Snake River Dams
SPONSOR:Little Snake River Conservation District
LOCATION:Carbon County
PROGRAM:New Development
Purpose Chapter Session Account Appropriation Due Date
Level II 7 2002 II $80,000 2004

The LSRCD is requesting a Level II study to evaluate the feasibility of reestablishing irrigation in areas where the infrastructure has been lost and to evaluate the potential for of establishing new irrigated areas. To accomplish this would they would like the following water storage and conveyance opportunities evaluated.

Reconstruction of Grieve Reservoir: Grieve Reservoir failed in 1984 during a major flood event. Reconstruction of the dam could provide an additional 2000 acre-feet to the system. The system is estimated to yield about 4,860 acre-feet including the import of water via the Belvedere Ditch. Currently two landowners have irrigation water rights from the reservoir and there is the potential for the reservoir to support a public recreational fishery. Grieve Reservoir is an off channel reservoir, receiving water from the Belvedere Ditch. The Green River Basin Water Plan (GRBWP) listed the rehabilitation of Grieve Reservoir as the #5 most feasible project in the Green River Basin. Evaluations for rehabilitating this reservoir would include geotechnical investigations, hydrologic investigations, water needs evaluations, recreational opportunities and needs, and a determination of public benefits.

Upper Willow Creek Reservoir Evaluation: Willow Creek flows to the Little Snake River in Wyoming from Colorado. The Upper Willow Creek site is in Colorado and has an estimated annual yield of 1,500 acre-feet. The site is on the main channel of Willow Creek. The reservoir could supply water to 1,700 acres in Colorado that have rights from Willow Creek. The reservoir could also supply water to the West Side Ditch. There are approximately 5,600 acres irrigated from the West Side Ditch, with the majority being down stream of Willow Creek. The Upper Willow Creek site was identified as the #2 priority site in the GRBWP and also has been identified as a potential site by the Colorado River District. Evaluations for this potential reservoir would include, hydrologic investigations, water needs and demands evaluations in both Wyoming and Colorado, recreational opportunities and needs, potential funding sources, and a determination of public benefits.

Dolan Mesa Irrigation Project: Dolan Mesa currently has 1,100 acres of deeded water rights. Attempts have been made to irrigate the mesa but the delivery system was poor and is currently inoperable. The Dolan Mesa canal was designed to deliver water from Savery Creek. Alternatives to provide water to the mesa would be evaluated and include repairing the existing canal, pumping from First Mesa Canal, storage and delivery from Cottonwood Creek and storage and delivery from Dutch Joe Creek. The evaluations will also look at water needs, and public benefits.

The study is underway and will be completed during 2003. Additional funding may be required to accommodate work in conjunction with the State of Colorado, so an additional $50,000 is being requested.

The WWDC recommends that the original Level II appropriation from the New Development program be increased by $50,000. The new appropriation will total $130,000.

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