Operating Criteria of the
Wyoming Water Development Program
Rehabilitation Program

A. Priorities of Projects

Sponsors who pass a local capital facilities tax, commit other local tax revenues to a project, or secure funding from non-state sources may receive a priority ranking when compared with projects of a similar nature without such funding sources.

The Rehabilitation Program serves to assist project sponsors in keeping existing water supplies and supply systems effective.

The statutory guidelines for the program are sufficiently broad to allow the program to address all types of projects involving water. However, to utilize available program funds effectively and efficiently, it is necessary to develop priorities relative to the types of water projects the program shall pursue. The following is a list of projects in order of preference:

1. Multipurpose Projects -- For purposes of program implementation, multipurpose projects are defined as projects which serve two or more of the following functions: agriculture, municipal, industrial, rural domestic, recreation, environmental, flood control, erosion control, and hydropower.

2. Storage Projects -- Projects that serve to keep the state's existing storage facilities safe and operational.

3. Supply Projects -- Projects that include existing groundwater wells, alluvial wells, diversion dams, and other structures.

4. Supply Systems -- Projects that include improvements to existing water conveyance systems that will improve water use efficiency, reduce operation and maintenance costs, and/or eliminate potential safety problems.

5. Recreation -- Projects that rehabilitate existing water related recreational facilities.

6. Watershed Improvement Projects -- The water development components of existing watershed improvement projects are eligible for Level I and Level II study funding and Level III Construction funding, if recommended by the Commission and approved by the Legislature. Sponsors of watershed improvements that primarily address erosion control, flood control or other non-water development related environmental issues, are encouraged to seek funding from other sources that have the authority and funding to pursue these projects.

7. Compliance Projects, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund -- By enacting W.S. 16-1-301 the Legislature authorized the use of water development account funds to meet federal matching grant requirements through the year 2003. The federal capitalization grant and the state's matching share will be used to finance a drinking water state revolving loan fund (DWSRF) program. The DWSRF program may be used to fund improvements to water treatment systems and other Safe Drinking Water Act compliance issues. This program is not included in the annual Omnibus Water Bill consideration by the Legislature. Water Development program funds are appropriated automatically by statute to match 10% of the federal capitalization grant.

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