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The Wyoming Water Development Commission
2009 Water System Survey Report

During the spring and summer of 2009, the Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC) conducted a survey of all known municipal and non-municipal community public water systems in the State of Wyoming. The response to this survey was excellent, collecting over 100 surveys. The WWDC is grateful for the cooperation of the entities that submitted information.

The results of this survey have been summarized in the following reports. All information contained in these reports was submitted by municipalities, special districts, utility companies, or homeowners associations. Data was checked or verified only if a conflict or obvious discrepancy was noted during the data entry process. Some entities responded with incomplete information, and others indicated that systems were so small that the questions on the survey did not apply. Therefore, some data may not appear for certain entities. Water rates, testing costs, and other information may have changed since the survey was completed. If more specific or more current data are necessary, users should contact individual systems.

The WWDC hopes these reports are of benefit to Wyoming communities, agencies and water users. If the information in these reports is inaccurate for your community, please send corrections to the WWDC as the database will be updated on a regular basis. The 2009 Water System Survey Report consists of six separate reports, each of which is explained in detail within the following Key to Water System Survey Reports. This key identifies and defines the individual fields in the reports. Codes used in various fields are explained at the beginning of each report.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions on this survey or future surveys, please contact Jon Wade of the Wyoming Water Development Commission, 6920 Yellowtail Rd., Cheyenne WY 82002 or call 307-777-7626.

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Report #1: Mailing List

This Report contains the status, EPA's public water systems identification number, mailing address, and phone number for each entity. Entities that did not respond to the 2007 survey may have incorrect contact information.

Report #2: System Data
System data refers to the source of the entity's water supply, storage, treatment, and volumes of water. The individual fields are defined as follows:

  • Number of Wells: The number of wells used by an entity.
  • Number of Springs: The number of springs used by an entity.
  • Surface Water Source: The surface source of an entity's water supply.
  • Type of Diversion: How the surface source is diverted. N/A is used for entities with no source of surface water.
  • Other Water Sources: The name of other water systems or municipalities that provide the entity with water supply.
  • Total System Capacity: The total production capabilities of all water sources in the particular entity, expressed in gallons per day (gpd).
  • Total Raw/Treated Water Storage: The maximum values of water storage capacity, raw/treated, in gallons.
  • Treatment Methods: Methods that the water system currently uses on a regular basis to treat the water supply.

Report #3: System Use
This report contains information pertaining to water system usage, providing information on the total population served, amount of average use, and other factors that may affect water consumption levels. The individual fields are defined as follows:

  • Total Population Served: Number of people in entity receiving water services.
  • Number of Taps In/Outside entity: The number of service connections within the boundaries of the entity. The number of service connections outside the entity boundaries.
  • Total annual water use by the system:The total gallons of water used by the water system annually (gallons).
  • Peak day water use for the system: The maximum gallons of water used by the system in a 24 hour period in gallons.
  • Whom do you sell water to: For those entities that sell water, who do you sell to?
  • What is the estimated loss to leakage (gpd): The percentage of total water used by the system lost through leakage in gallons per day. Most answers are approximations.

Report #4: Billing Rates
The Billing Rates Report consists of billing information for each entity. The individual fields are defined as follows:

  • Does the entity bill by meter: Does the entity bill by meter
  • What is the average monthly water bill: The entity's estimate of the average residential water bill.
  • Residential Tap Fees: The dollar amount a person pays to connect his or her home to an entity's water supply.
  • Residential Base Water Rate: The dollar amount the entity charges as a base rate. Additional water use above the base rate may increase the total water bill.
  • Residential Gallons Included: The gallon amount the household can use for the base rate. Many entities allow a certain gallon amount to be used before they charge extra. Others charge a base rate for service and charge an additional amount for all gallons used.
  • Rate for each 1,000 gallons above the base amount: The dollar amount per thousand gallons a homeowner must pay after using the specified monthly amount.

Report #5: Fiscal Data
This report consists of the entity's budget and includes the primary breakdown of the annual budget. Details of funding capabilities and liabilities are also covered in this report. The individual fields are defined below:

  • Annual Budget: The total annual operating budget.
  • Maintenance: The annual dollar amount allocated to maintain and repair damage to the water system.
  • Water Quality: The dollar amount of the annual budget that is allocated to meet water quality testing requirements.
  • Sinking Fund: The dollar amount of the annual budget that is allocated to a sinking fund. If the value is zero the entity does not regularly contribute to a sinking fund.
  • System Self Supp: Yes or No, if the revenues generated by billing fully cover the system operating costs.
  • Other Funding: Other organizations or areas of funding that are utilized by the entity to support system construction, repairs or maintenance.

Report #6: Wellhead Protection / Conservation Measures
The Wellhead Protection and Conservation Measures Report is designed to give additional information on wells located in an entity and the conservation practices in place. The individual fields are defined below:

  • # of Wells: The number of wells used by an entity.
  • Well Depth: The minimum and maximum value of the depth of all wells located in an entity, given in two separate fields.
  • Wellhead Prot: Yes or No, if the entity presently has a wellhead or source water protection plan in place.
  • Conservation: Programs supported by the entity to reduce water consumption and increase public awareness about water conservation.
  • Cons. Effective: Yes or No, if the entity has noticed a decrease in water use due to conservation practices.
  • % Reduction: Estimated percentage decrease in water use due to conservation practices.

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