A. Water Development Account No. 1
Water Development Account No. 1 [WS 41-2-124(a)(I)] finances the New
Development Program and Water Planning Programs. The account has received
general fund appropriations of $117,600,000 and receives revenues from a
1.5% excise tax on coal. During the 1990 legislative session, WS 41-2-124
was amended to allow the account to receive interest benefits beginning
July 1, 1992. Legislative approval must be granted prior to allocating
funds from the account to a particular project. The following is a
summary of the financial status of Water Development Account No. 1, as of
June 30, 1998:
Cash Balance (6/30/98) $115,214,281
Outstanding Commitments
Active Appropriations $267,131,263
Paid 117,193,796
Total Commitments (6/30/98) $149,937,467
Total Uncommitted Balance (6/30/98) ($ 34,723,186)
FY 99 -- Anticipated Revenues
Taxes $ 17,400,000
Interest 8,000,000
Other 2,000,000
Total -- FY 99 Revenues $ 27,400,000
FY 00 -- Anticipated Revenues
Taxes $ 18,100,000
Interest 8,000,000
Other 2,000,000
Total -- FY 00 Revenues $ 28,100,000
Less Anticipated Expenses for Biennium
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund $ 1,970,000
$ 1,970,000
Total -- Available for Appropriation $ 18,806,814
B. Water Development Account No. 2
The Water Development Account No. 2 [W.S. 41-2-124(a)(ii)] finances the
Rehabilitation Program. The account receives revenues from a 0.167%
severance tax on oil and gas. As of July 1, 1992, this account also began
receiving the interest accrued on its unspent balance. Legislative
approval must be granted prior to allocating funds from the account to a
particular project. The following is a summary of the financial status of
Water Development Account No. 2, as of June 30, 1998:
Cash Balance (6/30/98) $ 19,872,736
Outstanding Commitments
Active Appropriations $54,484,859
Paid 27,948,961
Total Commitments (6/30/98) $ 26,535,898
Total Uncommitted Balance (6/30/98) ($ 6,663,161)
FY 99 -- Anticipated Revenues
Taxes $ 2,800,000
Interest 1,300,000
Other 1,000,000
Total -- FY 99 Revenues $ 5,100,000
FY 00 -- Anticipated Revenues
Taxes $ 2,800,000
Interest 1,300,000
Other 1,000,000
Total -- FY 00 Revenues $ 5,100,000
Total -- Available for Appropriation $ 3,536,839
C. Debt Service Accounts
Account Balance as of 12/15/98
Fontenelle Operation and Maintenance $ 305,746
Buffalo Bill Reservoir 9,436,276
Palisades Operation and Maintenance 78,273
Miscellaneous 55,909