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The commission is responsible for the coordination, development and planning
of Wyoming's water and related land resources. The commission consists of ten
members. They shall be appointed by the Governor with approval of the Senate.
Appointments are for a term of four years. A political split is required.
Water Development Commissioners
Name |
City |
Division |
Pol Aff |
Expiration |
Liisa Anselmi-Dalton, Chair | Rock Springs | At Large | D | 3/1/2025 |
Leonard A. "Lee" Craig, Vice-Chair | Powell | 3 | R | 3/1/2025 |
Robert Choma, Secretary | Thayne | 4 | R | 3/1/2025 |
Clinton W. Glick | Fort Washakie | Tribal | R | 3/1/2026 |
Todd Hoese | Moorcroft | 2 | R | 3/1/2027 |
Ron Kailey, Jr. | Cheyenne | 1 | D | 3/1/2025 |
Mark Kot | Rock Springs | 4 | D | 3/1/2027 |
John Lawson | Casper | 1 | R | 3/1/2027 |
Dennis Pince | Shoshoni | 3 | R | 3/1/2027 |
Larry Suchor | Pine Haven | 2 | R | 3/1/2025 |
Wyoming Water Development Office
6920 Yellowtail Road; Cheyenne, WY 82002
PH (307) 777-7626
Name |
Email |
Position |
Jason Mead, PE | jason.mead@wyo.gov | Director |
David Ray | david.ray1@wyo.gov | Admin/Fiscal Manager |
Katie Goodell | katie.goodell@wyo.gov | Business Office Coordinator |
Holly Frank | holly.frank@wyo.gov | Office Support Specialist |
Barry B Lawrence | barry.lawrence@wyo.gov | Deputy Director - Planning |
Sarah Bargsten | sarah.bargsten@wyo.gov | Grants Administrator |
Keith E Clarey, PG | keith.clarey@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Mabel Jones | mabel.jones1@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Cheyenne H. Love | cheyenne.love@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
George Moser, PG | george.moser1@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Lonnie A Olson | lonnie.olson@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Jodie Jackson, PE | jodie.jackson@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Chace Tavelli, PE | chace.tavelli@wyo.gov | Technical Resource Coordinator |
Vacant | | Project Manager |
Jason Mead, PE | jason.mead@wyo.gov | Deputy Director - Dams and Reservoirs |
Shawn Albrandt | shawn.albrandt2@wyo.gov | Dam Technician |
Cindy Hernandez | cindy.hernandez@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Bill Brewer, PE, PG | bill.brewer@wyo.gov | Deputy Director - Construction |
Sol Brich | sol.brich1@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Jeffrey Kaiser, PE | jeffrey.kaiser@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Larry Mallo, PE | larry.mallo@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Jennifer Russell, PE | jennifer.russell@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Wade Verplancke | wade.verplancke@wyo.gov | Project Manager |
Vacant | | Project Manager |
Advisors |
Patrick Kent | Patrick.Kent@wyo.gov | Assistant Attorney General |
Josh Dorrell | josh.dorrell@wyo.gov | Wyoming Business Council, CEO |
Brandon L. Gebhart, PE | brandon.gebhart1@wyo.gov | Wyoming State Engineer |
Greg Kerr | rrek@uwyo.edu | University of Wyoming |