Pioneer Canal and Laramie River by Tony Bergantino
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We envision a Wyoming where people can develop the skills needed to seize the opportunities to live their individual dreams; a Wyoming where people enjoy an environment free from contaminants and secure from harm; a Wyoming where people can attain a quality standard of living; and a Wyoming where people can enjoy the benefits of our bountiful resources and natural beauty.


The Wyoming Water Development Program was founded on the sound philosophy of utilizing a portion of the income the state receives from the development and use of its non-renewable resources, such as coal, oil and gas, to develop and manage a renewable resource, water. One way in which water resource management is achieved is by evaluating development and rehabilitation strategies, and selecting the best alternatives for constructing new or rehabilitating existing infrastructure. In this manner, the Wyoming Water Development Program will ensure the delivery of water to Wyoming citizens in an economical and environmentally responsible manner. Sound water planning and use will preserve Wyoming's water entitlements and will promote the effective and efficient use of the state's water resources.

Contribution to Wyoming Quality of Life

This agency contributes to the quality of life by addressing the water resources needs of our citizens through the construction of new water supply projects and the rehabilitation of existing water supply projects. As a result, Wyoming's water resources are managed, developed, and maintained for the enjoyment and beneficial use of current and future generations of Wyoming. The Wyoming Water Development Program benefits the entire population, as well as all visitors to the state, by providing and maintaining adequate water supplies and planning for future needs.

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