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Wyoming Water Development Program - Strategic Plan
December 31, 1998
II. Agency Mission Statement
The 1975 Legislature passed WS 41-2-112(a) which provided the following
definition for the Wyoming Water Development Program:
"The Wyoming Water Development Program is established to foster, promote
and encourage the optimal development of the state's human, industrial,
mineral, agricultural, water and recreational resources. The program
shall provide, through the commission, procedures and policies for the
planning, selection, financing, construction, acquisition and operation of
projects and facilities for the conservation, storage, distribution and
use of water, necessary in the public interest to develop and preserve
Wyoming's water and related land resources. The program shall encourage
development of water facilities for irrigation, for reduction of
flood damage, for abatement of pollution, for preservation and development
of fish and wildlife resources [and] for protection and improvement of
public lands and shall help make available the waters of this state for
all beneficial uses, including but not limited to municipal, domestic,
agricultural, industrial, instream flows, hydroelectric power and
recreational purposes, conservation of land resources and protection of
the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the state of