Agency Information
Mission Statement
Commission Agendas & Minutes
Consultant Selection
Items Open for Public Comment
Operating Criteria
Project Application Information
Send Us Your Comments
Planning Program
Dam and Reservoir Planning
Groundwater Grant Projects
Instream Flow Filings
Current Planning Projects
River Basin Planning
Weather Modification Study
Probable Maximum Precipitation
Water Research Projects
Construction Program
Current Construction Projects
Small Water Projects
Agency Publications
Project Reports
Water/Climate Web Atlas
Irrigation & Water System Surveys
Legislative Reports
Water Mgmnt & Conservation Dir
History of Wyoming Water Law
WWDC Home Page
Water Plan Home Page
WRDS Home Page
Legislative Program
The Water Development Commission utilizes the following process to generate
its funding recommendations for legislative consideration.
- New Applications
The deadline for new project applications is the fifteenth of September.
Upon receipt, new applications are reviewed, available reports are read,
and project sites are visited. The WWDC makes preliminary recommendations
regarding new applications at its October meeting.
- Existing Projects
Typically, project reports are drafted by the first of November. These
reports are reviewed by the WWDC and project sponsors to determine if the
project should be terminated or progressed in the program. At the
November meeting of the WWDC, consultant reports are presented and project
sponsors are afforded the opportunity to present their requests to the
commission. The WWDC generates preliminary recommendations on existing
projects at its November meeting. The recommendations address the
project budget and financing plan.
- Public Meetings/Hearings
If a proposed Level I -- Reconnaissance Study or a Level II -- Feasibility
Study is of particular concern or controversy, the WWDC may solicit public
input at a public meeting prior to finalizing its project recommendation.
The Commission holds formal public hearings on all projects which are
proposed for Level III -- Development Plans and Construction.
- Coordination with the Governor
The WWDC provides the Governor with its preliminary recommendations and a
financial report addressing impacts to the water development accounts.
The Governor may provide input throughout the recommendation process.
- Final Recommendations
The WWDC meets in December or early January to finalize its legislative
recommendations on new applications and existing projects. The Commission
considers public input received at the meetings and hearings and
recommendations of the Governor. Sponsors and interested parties or
individuals who may wish the commission to reconsider its preliminary
recommendations are provided the opportunity to address the commission
with their concerns.
- Select Water Committee
The Select Water Committee is comprised of 5 senators and 5
representatives. The committee-reviews and comments on the Wyoming
Water Development Commission's recommendations and budgets. Typically,
the Select Water Committee serves as sponsors for the Water Development
Program legislation.
- Legislative Process
The legislature must approve the allocation of funds from the water
development accounts to particular projects. This approval is solicited
through the "Omnibus" Planning and Construction Bills.