The historic potable water supply for the Town of Bairoil has been
Abel Springs. The average production from these springs is 35-50 gpm,
depending on recharge from snowpack and precipitation. Their
transmission system consists of approximately 3 miles of pvc pipeline
that was installed 14 years ago and is reportedly in good condition.
They have 300,000 gallons of storage available, and their only
treatment is chlorination. The water quality of the springs is of
some concern, being high in iron and nitrates.
The town also has a secondary potable water source from six, 2000 feet
deep Battle Springs formation wells owned and operated by Amoco.
This wellfield is located 13 to 18 miles from Bairoil, and is utilized
by Amoco as a water source for secondary oil recovery operations. The
wellfield is capable of a combined production of about 3000 gpm. The
town has 1/2 mile of four inch pvc pipeline connecting the Amoco
pipeline with their storage tank. This pipe is 14 years old and
reportedly in good condition.
Due to limited production from their springs, Amoco wells have supplied
the majority of the town's water supply during high demand periods.
The town is apprehensive about utilizing an outside supplier for their
water needs, and report that Amoco has operational problems with their
portion of the transmission line. The town indicated that Amoco has
been considering discontinuing use of the pipeline and wellfield. If
this were to occur the town could potentially take over operation of
the wells and pipeline, but they feel the operational problems would
be difficult to overcome and expensive to repair.
Because of the water quality issues with their springs and the problems
with the Amoco wellfield and pipeline, the town desires to conduct a
Level II study to analyze their alternatives. This may include construction
of up to two test wells to determine if successful Battle Springs wells
could be completed closer to town than the Amoco wellfield.
The WWDC recommends the project be incorporated in the New Development
Program at Level II with an appropriation of $225,000.