The WWDC staff prepared a Level I study in 1996 that inventoried the
existing system, evaluated water supply needs, and evaluated water
supply alternatives for the water users in the Buffalo Valley area.
Preliminary plans and cost estimates were developed for the identified
alternatives and a preferred alternative was selected. In 1997 a Level
II study was performed to drill a test well and test the well
performance and prepare conceptual designs and cost estimates. The well
was successfully completed in 1997 for a cost of $15,561.
The Buffalo Valley Water District received a 1998 grant and loan
appropriation in the amount of $475,000 from Water Development Account I.
The grant is for 60% of the WWDC eligible project costs with a 40% loan at
a 71/4% interest rate over 30 years. The project scope includes
construction of a new 80,000 gallon storage tank, well pumping, control
building, chlorination facilities, valving, telemetry system, distribution
improvements and a transmission line to the storage tank.
A contract with Jorgensen Engineering has been negotiated by the district
for project design and construction administration services. In addition
steps have been initiated to secure a U.S. Forest Service permit for
location of the storage tank on forest lands. The project schedule is for
completion of construction in the fall of 1999.
No legislative action is required.