There are 77 taps currently serving 195 residents and 279 children
enrolled in the school. The town is served by two shallow, alluvial
wells. The wells are 35 feet deep and there is about 23 feet of
saturated thickness of the alluvium. The water level rises in the
summer months. The well is surrounded by a feedlot, buildings, old
cars, and farm land which are possible sources of contamination. The
residents of Burlington have a relatively new water system and pay an
average of $27.00 per month for water service.
In 1996, a Level II report was completed by MSE/HKM. The report noted
several deficiencies in the Burlington water system including inadequate
chlorination, flow bottlenecks, minimal fire flows, and unprotected
shallow alluvial wells. The wells produce abundant, good quality water.
However, because they are completed to a depth of only 35' and contain
25' of water, they are vulnerable to surface contamination. The proposed
Level III project will:
- Implement a well head protection area around the existing wells
including purchase of those properties most likely to pose a
threat to the wells.
- Construct a larger (8") pipeline from the wells to the tank. This
will eliminate a serious bottleneck in the system and enable more
efficient filling of the existing water storage tank.
- Replace the existing pumps in the two production wells with larger
capacity units. In conjunction with #2 above, this improvement
will enable more efficient filling of the existing water storage
tank, provide better water pressure during the irrigation season,
and provide a redundant water main into town.
- Install a gas chlorination system to replace the existing
hypochlorite system. This improvement will enable Burlington to
more fully comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act and will reduce
corrosion problems in the well house.
- Irrigate parks with separate irrigation wells.
These improvements have been estimated to cost $744,200.00. However,
the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) will finance $414,200.00 ($364,200.00
grant, $50,000.00 loan at 5 1/8% for 30 years).
The improvements which are being funded by a Level III grant have been
designed and are in the review process. It is anticipated that the
project will be constructed early in 1999.
No legislative action is required.