Level I and II studies inventoried the existing system, evaluated water
supply needs, evaluated water supply alternatives and prepared a water
supply for the Town of Thayne. Preliminary plans and cost estimates
were developed for the preferred alternative.
In 1998, the Town of Thayne received $850,000 of Level III grant and
loan assistance for connecting the Level II test well to their system,
rehabilitating their spring, and constructing a new transmission line
from the springs to the town distribution system. The grant is for 60%
of the WWDC eligible project costs with a 40% loan at 7 1/4% interest
rate over thirty (30) years.
Construction of the well connection and pumphouse has been started and
will be completed by March, 1999. Forsgren Associates, Inc. will
complete the design of the springs improvements and transmission line
during the spring of 1999, with anticipated completion of the construction
of this phase by the end of 1999.
No legislative action is required for this project.