There are approximately 150 people residing within the 33 Mile Road
Improvement and Service District. Residents currently use poor quality
groundwater or haul water from nearby municipalities. There are
potentially more than 50 taps in the district. Residents report bills
in excess of $80.00/month to haul water from the Casper area or treat
(R/O) poor quality groundwater.
33 Mile Road Improvement and Service District requested a study to
investigate options for connecting to the Natrona County Regional Water
System. A new regional line will soon be completed near the 33 Mile Road
Improvement and Service District. Pioneer Water and Sewer District also
has a water transmission line near the improvement and service district.
These sources may make connection economically feasible. The feasibility
of constructing additional transmission lines and a distribution system
was assessed. The Level I study concluded that a system from Pioneer
Water and Sewer District could be constructed at a cost of about $1,285,000.
The WWDC recommends that the project be advanced to Level II status in the
New Development Program with a 1999 proposed appropriation of $50,000.