This project consists of rehabilitation of the South Crow
Diversion Dam located approximately 20 miles west of Cheyenne.
The City of Cheyenne constructed the dam in 1911 to impound and
divert the flows of South Crow Creek for municipal use. Depending
upon the time of the year, it is estimated that 0 to 3 mgd can be
diverted to Cheyenne's water system.
During the past several years, the city has not relied upon the
waters of the system and the dam has developed several structural
problems, with numerous leaks through the dam itself and severe
concrete sloughing at various locations. As Cheyenne grows, and the
use of both potable and raw water also grow and the need for additional
water also increases. The city may desire to place System Control
and Data Acquisition and metering upgrades on the South Crow Dam and
Reservoir along with the dam and reservoir rehabilitation.
The WWDC recommends that the project be incorporated into the Rehabilitation
Program at Level II status with an appropriation of $80,000.