The Cokeville Watershed Improvement District has a tri-diversion
structure on the Smith's Fork River above the Town of Cokeville. The
structure serves to divert irrigation water to three channels, which
provides water to approximately 5,000 irrigated acres. In addition, the
structure provides some flood control benefits to the town.
The structure is over thirty years old and in need of rehabilitation.
In addition, the existing configuration has resulted in considerable
trash and gravel problems. Several alternations to the structure have
failed to solve the problem. The Level II study provided a hydraulic
analysis of the structure, prepared a replacement/rehabilitation plan,
and developed conceptual plans and cost estimates for the preferred
The 1996 legislature approved an appropriation of $160,000 to be used to
rehabilitate the diversion structure. The project has been divided into
two phases. The first phase consisted of minor bank realignment,
channel stabilization and placement of bank rip rap protection. This
work was accomplished in September 1997 at a project cost of
approximately $12,000. It is hoped this work will sufficiently address
project needs and that the second phase will not be necessary. An
evaluation of the effectiveness of the Phase I work will be made
following high runoff flows during the spring of 1999. A decision will
be jointly made by the district, project engineer and WWDC staff
concerning the need of proceeding with the second phase during the
spring-summer of 1999.
No legislative action is required.