The Corner Mountain area is located north of Centennial, Wyoming. The
District boundaries include up to 350 potential taps, but planning has
been based on 90 taps. The District requested WWDC assistance to
determine the feasibility of constructing a groundwater based domestic
water system. The WWDC has completed a Level I analysis of the areas
around Centennial, Wyoming.
The Level I study delineated the potential service areas, identified and
evaluated water supply alternatives, and developed preliminary plans and
cost estimates. Development of a groundwater source appeared to be the
best alternative, so the sponsor requested WWDC proceed with a Level II
study to drill and test the area aquifers. Pumping water from Centennial
was analyzed, however, it was too costly to be given further
The sponsor finalized the formation of their district, and well construction
is currently underway. It is expected that the final report will be complete
by spring of 1999.
No legislative action is required.