The project is a Water System Master Plan for the City of Douglas and
the adjacent areas served by the City of Douglas. There are currently
2,275 taps within the corporate limits of the City of Douglas and
approximately 75 outside the city limits. A population of 5,800 is
served. These areas include users along the Little Box Elder Spring
transmission line, Sheep Mountain Well transmission line, and the
Ridgewater Estates Improvement and Service District. The city currently
has three sources of potable water: 1) the Little Box Elder Spring, 2)
the Water Treatment Plant located along the North Platte River, and 3)
the Sheep Mountain Well. The Master Plan evaluated the existing
transmission and distribution system and examined the ability of the
sources in the system to meet the current demands and future demands in
the anticipated areas of growth in Douglas. Hydraulic modeling was
used to isolate the cause for low water pressure problems in two areas
of the city, Riverbend Subdivision and Frontier Village. Potential system
modifications were considered to meet current and projected growth
areas which are experiencing inadequate system pressures. Preliminary
designs were prepared for potential solutions and cost estimates were
made for remedying transmission and distribution problems.
In addition to the hydraulic modeling and transmission and distribution
system evaluation, treatment of the potable water sources would be
evaluated. The water treatment plant was constructed in the early
1980's. Treatment and disinfection requirements have become more strict
since that time by amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Specifically in question is the chlorine contact time (CT) and chlorine
residual at the water treatment plant. Additionally, the Disinfection
Rule will require the city to meet CT requirements for the Sheep
Mountain Well and the Little Box Elder Spring. There are currently over
30 domestic taps ahead of the point of chlorination on the Spring
transmission line. It is recommended that the point of chlorination
be moved to the spring house.
The City of Douglas has experienced steady growth since the late 1980's.
Additional potable water sources have been added to meet the increasing
demands in the system. However, the entire transmission, distribution
and storage system has not been evaluated or updated.
The water treatment plant and the Sheep Mountain well have been added to
the system over the years. As they were added to the system, the
impacts of each source on the entire system was never thoroughly
evaluated. Currently there are several hydraulic limitations and
"bottlenecks" in the transmission and distribution system caused by the
three sources competing to supply the demands.
The water treatment plant would not currently meet the EPA disinfection
requirements if it was operated at full capacity. Additionally, a
thorough evaluation of the treatment train and techniques needs to be
performed to verify compliance with all of the rules and regulations in
the Safe Drinking Water Act amendments.
Sear-Brown was hired to complete a Level II study. The study recommended
several upgrades to the system. The total project cost is estimated
at $3,325,000.
The WWDC recommends the project be advanced to Level III status in the
New Development Program with a 1999 appropriation of $3,325,000. The
financing plan includes a 60% grant for $1,995,000 and the remaining 40%,
$1,330,000, will be provided by the city from other sources. The city is
pursuing loan funds through the USDA Rural Development, Rural Utility
The WWDC also recommends that lightning protection for the Sheep Mountain
well and that the Douglas pipeline from the Little Boxelder Springs,
including topography, pipeline location, capacity, and integrity, be
evaluated and cost estimates be prepared to repair and upgrade the system
in a Level II study. The study requires an appropriation of $60,000 from
the rehabilitation account.