The project is located in central Goshen County just south of
the North Platte River. The project area covers 52,484 acres with
355 irrigators. The project would include a feasibility analysis of
installing remote canal level monitors within the main canal and
several laterals. In addition, the installation of automated gates
on spillways would be investigated along with lining portions of the
main canal and laterals. Further, recommendations for converting open,
unlined waste-ways into piped conveyances would be made and previous
reports completed on alternatives to the existing silt run would be
reviewed and cost estimates updated. Cost estimates and preliminary
designs for these project components would be prepared and a financing
plan would be developed as part of the study. Finally, an economic
evaluation of the Goshen Irrigation District's (GID) ability to repay
existing and additional debt will be completed.
The budget reflects additional work that may be needed to address
Endangered Species Memoranda of Agreement, North Platte lawsuit, and
Clean Water Act (Sections 402, 404) concerns.
When constructed, the improvements will reduce seepage losses in canals
and laterals and enable GID to better account for water spilled back to
the North Platte, water gained from precipitation and runoff into the
canals, and water conveyed to the Gering Fort Laramie Irrigation District
in Nebraska.
The WWDC recommends that the project be incorporated into the Rehabilitation
Program at Level II status with an appropriation of $75,000.