The town system consists of an infiltration gallery, two flowing wells,
two tanks with 1.3 million gallons of storage, and a number of manual and
automatic control valves. The town is under an administrative order from
EPA for violations of the Surface Water Treatment Rule associated with the
diversion through the infiltration gallery on Shell Creek.
In 1995, the Level II study identified several needed improvements to the
Shell Creek transmission pipeline. These improvements were incorporated
into a Level III rehabilitation project for the town.
The administrative order has placed Greybull in the position of needing to
either build a water treatment plant or find a groundwater source that is
not under the influence of surface water. A deep Madison formation well
was drilled during 1996, however, the yield was inadequate to replace the
infiltration gallery. Analysis and testing of the well has indicated that
the well was a good candidate for stimulation or fracturing. This stimulation
effort was completed during 1997. The yield of the well was increased from
about 60 gpm to about 220 gpm.
The WWDC recommends the project budget be increased by $212,000. This increase
is necessary due to changes in the cost of the pipeline, well house and storage
tank. This additional funding would be a 60% grant ($127,200) and a 40% loan
($84,800). The total loan amount, including the originally appropriated amount,
this request, and the purchase price of the well, would be $299,600 at 7.25%
interest for a term of 30 years.