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Active Projects
44. | PROJECT: | Guernsey Water Supply | | | | | |
| LEVEL: | III |
| SPONSOR: | Town of Guernsey |
| LOCATION: | Platte County |
| PROGRAM: | New Development |
| |
Purpose |
Chapter |
Session |
Account |
Appropriation |
Due Date |
Level I |
8 |
1995 |
I |
$75,000 |
1996 |
Level III |
59 |
1996 |
II |
$550,000 |
1999 |
In 1994, Guernsey and Hartville submitted applications requesting assistance
in evaluating water supply, treatment, storage, transmission and distribution
systems. Since the two municipalities are in proximity and take water from
the same source (shallow wells along the North Platte River), the Commission
conducted a joint Level I Master Plan study to determine the feasibility of
a regional approach to solving the area's water supply problems. The study
determined that a combined system was not feasible. Two separate project
reports were submitted, with separate recommendations for each community.
Guernsey's existing supply source is a series of wells into the North Platte
alluvium. This project includes replacing one of the older and more
vulnerable wells with a new production well, and provided the necessary well
head appurtenances, controls and pipeline connections to incorporate the new
well into the existing system. Construction of this well is complete, however,
an additional construction project will be necessary to tie the well into the
town's system. In 1996 the Commission recommended that the project be advanced
in the New Development Program at Level III status with a budget of $550,000.
The financing plan included a 67% grant and a 33% loan at an interest rate of
4% and a term of 20 years. In 1997 the new well was drilled and developed.
Construction of the new pipeline system was delayed due to the need to comply
with federal program guidelines as the project is partially funded by the
federal Rural Utility Service. These remaining improvements anticipate a start
of construction of spring 1999 and completion in the fall of 1999.
No legislative action is required on this project.