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45. | PROJECT: | Hartville Water Supply | | | | | |
| LEVEL: | III |
| SPONSOR: | Town of Hartville |
| LOCATION: | Platte County |
| PROGRAM: | New Development |
| |
Purpose |
Chapter |
Session |
Account |
Appropriation |
Due Date |
Level I |
8 |
1995 |
I |
$75,000 |
1996 |
Level II |
15 |
1996 |
II |
$150,000 |
1998 |
In 1994, Guernsey and Hartville submitted applications requesting assistance
in evaluating the water supply, treatment, storage, transmission and
distribution systems. The Commission conducted a joint Level I Master Plan
study during 1995 to determine the feasibility of a regional system, but a
combined system was found to be not feasible. The aquifer in the Hartville
area is recovering because the Sunrise Mine terminated operations and stopped
dewatering. A source of supply inside the town limits would eliminate the
five-mile pipeline from existing wells near the North Platte River. In 1996,
the Commission recommended that the project be incorporated into the New
Development Program at Level II status with a budget of $150,000. A successful
test well was developed producing adequate yield to meet the community's peak
demands when developed in conjunction with an existing well with the town
The Abandoned Mine Lands program determined that Hartville is eligible for
90% grant funding of a $1,025,000 project to put wells #3 and 9 on line,
improve the storage tanks, and construct a new distribution system. Hartville
intends to request the balance in a loan from the Board of State Lands and
Investments. That loan will include $19,020 to repay the WWDC for 40% of the
costs of constructing the test well. Legislative authority is required to
transfer ownership of the well from the state to the town. This authority was
granted by the legislature during the 1998 session.
During the course of 1998, the well developed high levels of nitrates. The
town is currently evaluating options relative to purchase of the well. The
current state of negotiations on the Platte River system may affect the future
of this project.
No legislative action required.