The population of Hawk Springs is approximately 125, with an estimated
31 taps that would be served by a central water supply system. The
Hawk Springs Water and Sewer District was formed in 1994. The district
requested a study to investigate alternative water sources, storage,
and distribution facilities for the area in and around Hawk Springs.
Residents currently rely on individual wells. Some wells in the area
are contaminated by high levels of dissolved solids, radionuclides,
and septic system effluent.
A Level II study was completed in 1995 to evaluate storage, distribution,
transmission, and water supply alternatives. The exploration program
located a suitable groundwater supply west of the community. Preliminary
designs, cost estimates, and economic analyses have been prepared for
the preferred alternative, with the estimated total project cost at
$2,145,664. The estimated monthly bill for the project is $45.49/tap.
The sponsor is currently working on financing alternatives.
The WWDC recommends that the project remain on Level II-Hold status.