The Horse Creek Conservation District received a grant appropriation of
$115,000 for 100% of invoiced materials accepted by WWDC. The labor and
equipment, engineering design and inspection, and all other project costs
are financed by the district.
The Horse Creek Conservation District serves 98 irrigators and 10,179 acres.
The current assessment is $22.00 per acre.
Horse Creek Conservation District is interested in replacing approximately
8 open laterals (approximately 18,500 lineal feet) into 10" - 18" plastic
pipe. The district proposes to have the WWDC purchase the pipe and other
materials. The district also proposes to install the materials with district
personnel and equipment. The district intends to hire an engineer to complete
final designs and specifications, and supervise construction during Level III.
The Level II project inventoried and assessed the condition of the canals and
appurtenances, surveyed canal alignments and grades, evaluated the feasibility
of needed repairs, prepared preliminary designs and cost estimates for reasonable
alternatives, and explored financing options.
The WWDC recommends that the project be included with the existing Level III
project in the Rehabilitation Program, with a 1999 appropriation of $131,600
bringing the total appropriation to $246,600. The financing plan includes a
grant of $131,600 or 50% of the estimated project costs. The grant portion will
be used to purchase construction materials. The remaining 50% will be provided
through the installation of the project components by the district using district
personnel and equipment.