The town utilizes three shallow wells and two storage tanks as their
water supply source. Their water system is quite old, and portions
are in poor condition. The main part of town is fed by 4 inch lines
from a 50,000 gallon 1928 storage tank. The much smaller new section
of town is feed from a new 126,000 gallon storage tank. They have
requested that WWDC prepare a master plan for their use in prioritizing
system rehabilitation.
The 1998 Level I Master Plan evaluated the need to replace existing 4
and 6 inch lines with 8 inch lines. This serves two needs. The first
need is to increase the flows and pressures in the system's distribution
lines and the second need is to supply service from the new storage tank
to the main part of town and to remove the old 1928 storage tank from
The line replacement requested in Level III includes project #1 and #2.
Project #1 is installation of an 8 inch line which is needed to replace
the 6 inch line from the tank to the north edge of the older part of town.
Project #2 is the installation of two new 8 inch lines through the center
of town to replace the older 4 inch lines that were fed from the old 1928
The WWDC recommends the project be advanced to Level III status in the
Rehabilitation Program with a 1999 appropriation of $ 400,000. The
financing plan includes a 50% grant for $200,000 and a 50% loan for
$200,000 at 7.25% for 30 years.