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72. | PROJECT: | Natrona County Regional Rehabilitation | | | | | |
| LEVEL: | III |
| SPONSOR: | Natrona County Regional Water System Joint Powers Board |
| LOCATION: | Natrona County |
| PROGRAM: | Rehabilitation |
| |
Purpose |
Chapter |
Session |
Account |
Appropriation |
Due Date |
Level III-I |
206 |
1995 |
II |
$1,500,000* |
1999 |
Level III-II |
59 |
1996 |
II |
$3,800,000* |
1999 |
Level III-III |
38 |
1998 |
II |
$57,000* |
2002 |
| *50% grant, 50% loan (4%, 30 years) |
The aggregate population of the entities served by the Natrona County
Regional Water System Joint Powers Board is approximately 60,000
residents. The Level II feasibility study of the Natrona County
Regional Water Supply Project identified $60,000,000 of needed
improvements, of which $37,000,000 would be eligible for WWDC
assistance, and identified a phased approach for completing the project.
Some infrastructure improvements should be completed by 1997 to
facilitate operation of the regional system.
The Level II feasibility study of the Natrona County Regional Water
Supply Project recommended that the Fort Caspar and Dempsey Acres Well
Fields be rehabilitated. The estimated cost for this component of the
project is $4,814,000. The project will be completed in three phases:
drilling, final design, and construction. The well fields are a primary
water supply for the regional system. The existing wells are old and
production has dropped. The project would serve to increase the well
production to its permitted amount. In addition, several water storage
tanks will be operated by the Joint Powers Board. Telemetry
modifications to the tanks and some rehabilitation is required to extend
their usable life. The estimated cost for the improvements to the
storage tanks is $586,000. These project components are eligible for
funding from the Rehabilitation account. Because of limited
funds available, the WWDC recommended that this project be phased.
The first phase of the well rehabilitation project has been constructed.
The second phase is under construction and will be completed in the next
two years. The rehabilitation of the storage tanks is currently under
design. One of the tanks has been identified as needing a new inlet
pipe to help prevent stagnation of the water in the tank.
No legislative action is required.