The Nine Mile water users are currently hauling water from Laramie to
their storage tanks. One user has 1000 gallons per week hauled to her
home at a rate of approximately $90.00 per month. The groundwater is not
usable in the area due to high chemical content. In addition to not
having drinking water, there isn't a water supply available in the area
to suppress fires. Two major fires occurred in the Nine Mile area in 1996.
The Nine Mile residents formed a water and sewer district in 1998. They
have also contacted the City of Laramie and indicated that they would
like to purchase water from the city. The City of Laramie would like to
know what the logistics are for providing water to this area and the
commitment of the residents to making the water district work.
The 1998 Level I project looked at the supply and distribution options
and analyzed the Laramie water supply system capabilities and estimated
the costs to connect a water system. This analysis also looked at the
nearby Seven Mile area that is currently being served by the Laramie
water system.
The 1999 Level II project will refine the Nine Mile system design and
costs estimates, examine the possibility of a joint system with other
local water users and examine the supply options from the City of
The WWDC recommends that the project be advanced to Level II status in
the New Development Program with an appropriation of $30,000.