The North Strawberry Canal supplies irrigation water to 3200 acres of
flood irrigation and sprinkler systems. The present diversion structure
is located at the mouth of Strawberry Canyon. The system requires water
to be pumped in order to serve some irrigated areas. The canal users
would like to replace the canal with a pipeline thereby converting the
system to a gravity pressure system to eliminate ditch losses and
pumping costs, and reduce maintenance costs.
The Level II study has prepared an inventory of the system, and
identifies needed improvements. The recommended facilities include
replacing canals with pipelines, new intake structure and controls,
headgate replacement, and related facilities. Total Level III project
cost is estimated at $1,052,000.
In order to obtain Water Development Commission funding, the sponsor
formed an irrigation district and submitted an application for Level
III construction funding to the commission. This application was
considered during the November, 1998 Commission meeting. They did not
meet WWDC criteria which establishes a maximum state investment of
$500 per acre.
No legislative action is required.