The sponsor utilizes 12 wells, a surface intake from the LeClair Canal,
and a 4 MGD water treatment plant to meet the needs of its residents. The
treatment plant is used to meet peak summer demands, and operates from May
through September. During peak demand days this plant operates at 80% of
its rated capacity.
The sponsor has indicated there are 1500-3000 people living on the periphery
of Riverton, and at least 15 community water systems in and around the city.
They have seen consistent growth in the city and expect this trend to continue.
Further, they expect this growth to include an outward movement of their
boundaries that may take in some or all of the outlying community water systems.
These factors will require the sponsor's water system to expand.
WWDC completed the Level I master plan for the City of Riverton in June, 1998.
The Level II study being requested from the 1999 legislature is to develop
conceptual designs and cost estimates for the WWDC eligible items identified in
the Level I study as warranting further work. Those items include:
- The upper pressure zone is in need of additional supply. This work will
include siting and designing a new well in this area.
- The Level I study identified three alternatives for upgrading the water
treatment plant. This work will include a study to identify the most
appropriate alternative for implementation, and conceptual designs and
cost estimates will be prepared for the selected alternative.
The WWDC recommends the project be advanced to Level II in the New Development
Program with an appropriation of $65,000.