In 1998 the Town of Rock River received a Level III grant in the amount
of $670,000 from Water Development Account II. The grant is for 50% of
the WWDC eligible project costs with the balance of the project to be
financed with proceeds from a 1998 Albany County capital facilities tax.
The Level III project includes the replacement of the final five miles
of a 14.2 mile transmission pipeline and the enlargement of the town's
infiltration gallery on Rock Creek. The enlargement of the infiltration
gallery will reduce the need for frequent backwashing during high turbidity
periods, saving the town considerable costs associated with operations
and maintenance, while increasing the quality of water being delivered to
the water treatment plant. The transmission line replacement will complete
the replacement project which the town began in the 1980's to ensure a
more dependable source of water supply.
Construction of the transmission line replacement is essentially complete.
Final project clean-up and route restoration will be accomplished in the
spring of 1999. Design of the infiltration gallery and intake modifications
will be complete in early 1999 with construction of the improvements to
be completed by the end of 1999.
No legislative action is required for this project.