The Green River is the domestic raw water supply source for the Cities
of Rock Springs and Green River. Water is pumped from the Green River
to an existing water treatment facility located along the northern bank
of the river. After treatment, the water is pumped from the treatment
plant to the distribution systems of both communities. Rock Springs
receives water from the Green River treatment plant through an existing
20 inch diameter pipeline that traverses the fourteen mile distance
between the communities. The Cities of Rock Springs and Green River
formed a joint powers board in order to purchase the privately owned
water system. Prior to purchasing the system in 1986, the joint powers
board sponsored a system evaluation and inventory of the system. The
evaluation indicated that the transmission pipeline had lost 35% of
its original capacity and was identified as the single most expensive
element and a critical "weak link" in the system.
Three subdivisions, Clearview Acres, White Mountain and Stassinos, were
not originally served by the privately owned water system. In 1988, the
joint powers board petitioned the Wyoming Water Development Commission
to evaluate the existing transmission system. The study analyzed the
20" diameter pipeline that connects the water treatment plant in Green
River to users in Rock Springs and evaluated the potential for supplying
water to Clearview Acres, White Mountain and to Stassinos. The Level II
study identified two system bottlenecks; the existing 20" diameter
pipeline and the raw water intake facility located along the banks of
the Green River. The existing Green River to Rock Springs pipeline
could not keep pace with existing demand and the existing raw water
intake could not accommodate growth or expansion of the system. Therefore,
a thirty-inch diameter pipeline and a new larger intake facility were
recommended for Level III construction. The Level II study also
recommended that peaking storage facilities be constructed in Rock
Springs and that water service should be provided to the subdivisions
mentioned herein.
The legislature appropriated $23,000,000 during the 1990 session for
construction of new transmission and peaking facilities to serve Rock
Springs and nearby subdivisions. The legislature appropriated an
additional$4,000,000 to construct an additional peaking facility in
Green River, new transmission facilities in Green River, additional
storage in Rock Springs, and additional transmission pipelines in
Rock Springs to cover the expense associated with relocating planned
improvements that could be constructed at the existing treatment plant
due to hydrocarbon contamination and the inability of obtaining a
permit from the State of Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality.
Facilities funded by the 1990 appropriation ($23,000,000) have been
completed and are providing service to the project sponsors. The
transmission facilities between Rock Springs and Green River are no
longer a "bottleneck" and will serve the area for years to come.
Construction bids have been received on two of the components funded
by the 1994 appropriation ($4,000,000), the Wind River tank and
Stagecoach pipeline. They have been completed. The entire project
should be completed by the end of 1999.
No legislative action is required.