The WWDC became involved in the Sheridan project because the city was found by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be in violation of the Safe Drinking Water
Act. The city delivered untreated water to about 102 homes on the system's raw
water supply lines between the diversion works on Big Goose Creek and the treatment
plant located north of Sheridan. During the analysis of this problem, other water
supply problems were identified. Sheridan's Twin Lakes supply reservoirs were in
need of rehabilitation, as were other components of the system. Sheridan was also
seeking a supplemental source of supply to meet peak day demands and provide for
future growth. Over 1,000 homes in Little Goose Valley and over 200 homes in Big
Goose are dependent on shallow wells of poor quality and declining quantity. Both
the mediation process; involving the city, the EPA, and area representatives; and
WWDC studies concluded that the best solution to the raw water delivery violations
was a comprehensive area-wide water supply and treatment system.
During the 1989 Legislative Session, the Sheridan Area Water Supply Joint Powers
Board (SAWSJPB) requested, the WWDC recommended, and the legislature approved an
appropriation of $15,500,000 for the main frame of the project, the enlargement
of Twin Lakes Reservoir and the major water transmission facilities. In addition,
the SAWSJPB requested and the legislature approved an appropriation of $6,750,000
from the Permanent Mineral Trust Fund to serve as a 100% loan for the construction
of a water treatment plant in Big Goose Valley.
In 1989, the Sheridan County voters overwhelmingly approved the capital facilities
tax. In addition, the Big Goose/Soldier Creek Water District, the Little Goose
Water District, and Big Horn Water District were formed. These districts, along
with the previously organized Woodland Hills Improvement District and the Southeast
Water and Sewer District, began the process of obtaining commitments from rural
water users within their boundaries for the purchase of water. Over 1,075 rural
water users committed to the project. The conceptual designs for the rural pipeline
systems were developed based upon the actual numbers and location of rural water
users committed to the project. During the 1990 Legislative Session, funding was
requested and approved for the transmission pipelines necessary to serve the rural
In 1992, the Level II conceptual designs and cost estimates for the last project
component, a raw water transmission pipeline from the intake structure on Big Goose
Creek to the city's existing water treatment plant, was completed. The pipeline
is needed as two existing raw water pipelines must be abandoned due to deterioration,
they were losing approximately one million gallons of water per day, and a third
raw water pipeline will be converted to a treated water pipeline to deliver water
from the new Big Goose Water Treatment Plant. The proposed transmission pipeline
will consist of a 30-inch diameter pipe and will be approximately 11.5 miles long.
During the 1993 Legislative Session, the funding was requested and approved for
this pipeline, the East Side Transmission main needed to adequately serve a portion
of the service area, and budget adjustments to the Twin Lakes Enlargement necessary
to accommodate design changes and environmental mitigation. The construction of
the raw water transmission pipeline was completed in the spring of 1996.
To date, there have been 21 separate construction projects completed as part of
the Sheridan Area Water Supply Project. These projects include new pipelines,
storage facilities, and a new water treatment plant. A revised Twin Lakes
Enlargement with a smaller reservoir and less impact on wetlands is now under
construction. The dam has been completed and only clean up work remains. Project
closeout will occur in the spring of 1999.
No legislative action is required.