In 1996, $200,000 was appropriated from Water Development Account 2 for
Wyoming stream gage rehabilitation and construction for FY 96-97. The
Bureau of Reclamation and the USGS also appropriated monies for work on
these Wyoming stream gages. An October 3, 1997 letter from the State
Engineer's Office (SEO) stated that a systematic, continuing program of
maintenance, upkeep and evaluation of statewide stream gage needs is
necessary. The federal agencies may have funds available for stream
gage work statewide for the next 3 to 4 years. This project could
continue as a special funding for construction and maintenance of stream
gages throughout the State of Wyoming for the next few years.
In 1998, another $200,000 was appropriated. This time from Water
Development Account 1 for Wyoming stream gage rehabilitation and
construction for FY 98-99.
The SEO is required to submit an itemized accounting of expenditures
with each transfer request under the 1998 authorization, and will be
required to submit annual reports and a final report containing all
information developed to date and their progress.
This work is underway out of the 1996 budget. Reports on the 1996 budget
work were requested but not received at reporting time.
No legislative action is necessary.