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Wyoming Water Development Program - Strategic Plan
December 31, 1998
I. Statewide Vision, Philosophy and Functional Goals
- A. Vision
We envision a Wyoming where people can develop the skills needed to seize
the opportunities to live their individual dreams; a Wyoming where people
enjoy an environment free from contaminants and secure from harm, and
share a quality standard of living; a Wyoming where we and future
generations can enjoy the benefits of our bountiful resources and natural
- B. Philosophy
Public service is a public trust. As public servants, we take pride in
the service we perform for our fellow citizens. We will be open, ethical,
responsive, accountable, and dedicated to the public we serve. In the
current context of the public's view of government, we must respond to
citizen's needs in a manner that is more positive, more accommodating and
more attentive than ever before. Within our limited resources, we believe
that innovation and creativity are keys to our long term success.
Through management support, training and development and a respect to the
views of our citizens our employees will be empowered to deliver quality
- C. Functional Goals
To ensure the wise, productive and economically sound use of the State's
natural resources while protecting and preserving the state's environment.
Develop additional water resources within the context of state priorities.
Minimize the impact of federal pre-emption of priorities and procedures.